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Location: Wonderland, Alberta, Canada

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Interview with Canada on Climate Change

themadhatter: Hey, Canada! You received the fossil award from the Climate Action Network and Germanwatch has come out with a report card and you are number 51 of 56 countries ranked for performance and climate policy change. What is your reaction, Canada?
Canada: We are ahead of Kazakhstan and two ahead of the US. I am happy we beat the neighbour to the south. He thinks he is so great with his military, set election dates, and private health care. It feels good.
tmh: Isn't it embarassing to have 50 countries ahead of you.
C: Well I guess you could look at it that way. But we are ahead of the US and that is really important to me.
tmh: Have you thought of following the actions of Sweden, Denmark, or Britain in thier action for climate change.
C: Sweden does have a good hockey team, but I think we can beat them, eh?
tmh: So what is your policy on climate change?
C: I have a full closet with varying clothing to be ready for the weather. Did I mention we are ahead of the US?
tmh:ARGH!!Canada beats Sweden 2006 Torino Olympic Games


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