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Saturday, October 21, 2006

Congress Corrupt; Election in Jeopardy

CNN reports that half of Americans think that Congress is corrupt. Due to a labor shortage and fears that the House Un-American Activities Committee would be re-established, no un-Americans were interviewed. Of those half, only one third believe that their congressman/woman is corrupt. This means that two thirds believe that someone else elected a corrupt person.

These suspicions are now fueling speculation that electronic voting terminals (EVT) for the Nov. 7 election will be susceptible to interference. Sixty-one percent say they expect inaccurate results because of technical glitches, while two-thirds say it is likely that hackers or political operatives will prevent the machines from producing an accurate count. Lead technician for the EVTs, Ayman al Zawahiri, is reported to be using the top security programs available. Microsoft guarantees that their program cannot be infiltrated and final modifications can only be performed by al Zawahiri as he has the password to the program. al Zawahiri has released his first ballot version for the Presidential race. One error occurs no matter where you touch the screen. The following result is displayed.

al Zawahiri reports that the program will work as planned for election day.


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